Friday, December 17, 2010


Working backwards, I thought it would be nice if someone posted something about our last meeting on this Thanks to Adam's internet 2.0 this might actually work out quite nicely.

On Wednesday, Nov. 24, a small group of clubbers met at the Ward residence in Murray to view a documentary titled, "The Corporation." The documentary was a great presentation of whistle-blower style video-journalism. Few of us were suprised by the rhetoric of the film and many of us were in strong agreement with the conclusions made therein...which...if i may be so bold as to try to articulate them, were as follows: corporate culture is poison to the environment and to public economic welfare.

A few things that were high points for myself in the film included the discussion on the significance of the legal responsibilities of an incorporated entity to society, which responsibilities are few. Another important point were the exact ramifications of the legal representation of the corporation as an individual in a court of law. The more people in the corporation the more people who can legally hide behind the corporation.

I was thoroughly fascinated by the fact that the primary contributor to the commentary in the documentary was a CEO of a major corporation. He seemed to be playing both sides of the ball quite well.

Overall I found this documentary to be quite effective. It did not however seem to direct our group discussion at all. We quickly found other political topics much more enticing...(probably my fault).

If you have more to add to this post please make sure you do...either with a posting of your own or in the comment box below...I was thinking that whoever presents should be primarily responsible for posting something on this blog...let me know what you think!