Friday, December 18, 2009

Summarizer's Excuses

There shall be none!

Eonsish after the fact, I'm here and happy to be posting. I’m Jesse and will give a brief précis of Pamy’s topic (this happened almost a full two months ago), my topic (from this past weekend), and every topic thereafter. Scout’s honor I will. It seems we lost a step or two in the second half of this semester, for whatever reason. Nevertheless, we’re back on track and amassing—hopefully between these two posts and after a meeting in a week—a formidable little corpus of banter and recoil. I’ll try to incorporate comments from e-mails in the exchange leading up to our meetings and keep a rough outline of topics we cover when we get together. I divulge my name so that readers know to whom they can vent frustration or send corrections. Obviously, what I write has to be filtered through a slop of cognition that focuses as much on oatmeal cookies as any of these so-called “issues” we’re engaging at the Cache Club. So, I’ll try to reconstruct clarifications or further exegeses the presenter may have given and follow up with essence quips and questions.

Buddha, ya'll: “Enlightenment is not the answer, it’s the question.”

And now, a blessing that comments may be liberated from tongues, so as to enrich ongoing dialogue; and that they may be more in conjunction with what your Id is whispering at you, so as to get the authorities on to our tail and shutting our outfit down. Niyabinghi!


  1. Awwwchhh. why the lingo? I have a triple creme brie in the fridge that isn't as thick (mmmm... brie). But I digress. Perhaps I dont get it. But I get it. and love it. but man oh man that is alot of something interesting about nothing. perfect.

  2. it is January 6th. Scouts honor.
